Is it really important to know exactly what is in a product, particularly a cannabis or hemp-based product? A rhetorical question for sure, but one that needs a resounding answer – YES! What are [...]
Over the next 18 months, cannabis extraction technology will make a prolific leap forward – in terms of magnitude, think of what the transition from horses to horsepower did for the [...]
The challenges of finding and isolating potential active compounds from natural products are numerous. As more people invest in all phases of cannabis and hemp businesses, there are two questions [...]
Hyphenated laboratory techniques have received ever-increasing attention as a principle means to analyze compounds of interest within complex matrices. On the one hand, chromatography is capable [...]
Given the flurry of recent cannabis product recalls in California, Colorado, Michigan and elsewhere, it’s not surprising that pesticide testing is under great scrutiny by state regulators. [...]
The future technology for extraction is not going to resemble anything from the past decade any more than today’s passenger jets look like a horse and buggy. Consider how dramatically the mode of [...]
A contributing journalist for Synergistic Technology Associates web site for Processes Education Where are the predictions about the scientific advances in cannabis (all classes five current [...]
Chief Technology Officer, NewBridge Global Ventures Founder and Scientific Editor for Synergistic Technologies Associates Today is Sunday. I was supposed to have written the first part of [...]
In a previous blog (Extraction Scale-up: A Matter of Dollars and Sense), I outlined the many factors involved in successfully scaling up a cannabis extraction process from grams to kilograms of [...]
Solubility is one of the most important parameters in the CO2 supercritical fluid extraction process while density is the key to the solubility of the individual components. By modifying the [...]